End of world

Monday 12 December 2011
Now a days we may hearing the word about how the world is going to be destroyed. There are so many ways but i think these are only few that we should fear.
1.water :our planet earth consists of 75 percent of water and 25 percent of land . So we should think the major one is going to affect the minor in which we are leading the life. Among this most of the impure water is present in oceans and seas and the minimum quantity of pure water is present as ice caps. The land near to these would think that they are in danger because the water is melting due to this the land will get destroy. So that every individual should take part in controlling the global warming.
2.Earthquakes:now a days we are watching in our tv's that so many people are dying due to earthquakes . These days it is common the earthquake is occured at this place and at another place . We have device to estimate the amount of earthquake occured but we dont have the machines to discover it first. Animals are able to discover but man could not. So now there is a need to discover the machine and to minimise the destroy.
3.valcones:Due to this the region around is being damaged. Normally the region is forest . If forest gets destroy the equilibrium will be damaged so that at last man suffers. So we should careful in controlling this.
4.brimstone and fire from heaven:The fire coming from the heaven is the major possibility the our living planet will get destroy. This brimstone normally contains 98 percent of sulphur . The amount of damage we can see in the holy bible which is happened in the city called sodom. So the man should learn from this.
>conclusion:If we want to survive in the we should be in control of this four ways and we should search a way in protecting the beautiful planet earth.

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