Saturday 23 November 2013
Hi friends,this time came up with new technology "WI-VI(Wireless Vision)".This technology uses  "WI-FI"(Wireless Fidilety) to allow user to look into the walls.This technology analyses the reflected WI-FI signals to estimate an object in a particular room,even if it is in motion we can able to detect the exact location of object.
Here in this case,the user has two antennas which generate WI-FI signals continuously with 180 degree phase difference and a single receiver.Generally a portion of WI-FI signal can penetrate in to wall.When two antennas radiate,due to 180 degree change in phase they cancel out each other without reaching at receiver when they hit any stationary objects,but when these signals hit any moving object there generates a change which will appear at the receiver,by analyzing the received signal we estimate perfect location of object.
Actually this concept is similar to RADAR(Radio detection and ranging),in which 'radio' signals are transmitted in to space to 'detect' the presence of object and 'ranging' involves knowing the exact location of object from the system,how?range or distance is speed over time,we know the speed of transmitting signal and the time taken for signal to strike the object from system(user),by this range is detected.
WI-VI systems are capable of tracking the person in a closed room.Assume that a WI-VI device is fixed outside the room,initially room is empty,when a person enters into it based on the movement of person the device is capable of showing variations i.e when he moves towards the WI-VI, signal may be in one format and when he moves away from it we can see the signal in another format.A small variations can also be grabbed by WI-VI device.

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